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I grew up into the arms of 4 Ikarian sisters. My 4 aunts, ageless, in a state of perfect equilibrium of strength and femininity. Their breaths smelling of fennel and tobacco. From the pies and the cigarettes when… ”Come sit, we’ll have a coffee and chat”.
Then, there were those teenage summer affairs, when every boy came to form a relationship with every girl (much like an Ikarian Beverly Hills), and me, growing up and rushing ahead, declared to my Ikarian girlfriends: “You are crazy! I love you, but I’m not marrying you” (i.e. No more love affairs with girls from Ikaria).
Of course, life has its own way and not only it’s totally different from what you’d expect in the first place, but totally opposite to what you were declaring. And here comes love and grabs you, and spins you around, and there is no way out, no escape, fuck my fucking luck.
In any case, the secret of the Ikarian girls’ allure is, in my humble opinion, found in exactly this contradiction / equilibrium between strength and femininity.
The straightforward geometry of Ikarian woman’s face is the most representative example/symbol of her contradictory mentality. The “fennel-tobacco” combination finds the ideal impression on her face, when, at the same time her characteristics are curved in austere lines, but the sum of its parts oozes a charm that ambushes you and carries you away.
So, ambush! Another huge chapter when it comes to Ikarian women. They do not bore you, it’s true, but they don’t let you rest either. Mothers and Devils. Pillars and tornados. You can never be certain with them… even about the feeling of your own eternal uncertainty! Their independence leaves every option open.
One thing is certain: when you are with her, she is the only one that will understand that tonight you have to go out and see you friends (from Ikaria). She will respect and allow it.
What she will do herself is another story…
This text, by construction, has no particular coherence. Same goes for Ikarian women, though.
Konstantinos Vatougios for ikariamag.gr